一同宣讀誓詞,立志多讀多串V-Power Booklet內的生字。
V-Power計劃的目的是鼓勵同學多聽多讀多串V-Power Booklet內的生字,增
The ceremony for the kick-off of the V-Power Scheme was held on 18 th October,
All the teachers and students, led by our English Ambassadors, read aloud the V-
Power promise, stating their intention to read and spell the words in the V-Power
Booklet. Then the Principal led the ribbon cutting ceremony.
The purpose of the V-Power Scheme is to encourage students to read and spell
new words in the V-Power Booklet. The V-Power Booklet is a useful resource for
students to expand their vocabulary. It is also a great way for them to practice
speaking English. In this way, the V-Power Booklet will help increase students’
literacy and enhance their English ability.